Unit elections are being conducted right now! Head over to our unit elections page to schedule your troop's election. Our Unit Elections team will come out and visit your troop on the night you choose and conduct the election. All elected candidates will have to attend any of the three Ordeals in 2024. Head over to the Calendar to find the dates of these weekends.
Annual dues are $20. Click here to renew your dues.
Miami Lodge offers the ability for Arrowmen to become Brotherhood at many different events throughout the year. The only prerequisites are that you have been an Ordeal member for at least 6 months, and that you are current on your dues payments. Find out more information on our Brotherhood page.
It's easy to transfer your membership to Miami Lodge... Even if it's been 20+ years since your Ordeal!
We just need you to send an email to our Registrar with as much information as you have about your previous membership, including the name and location of your old Lodge, as well as the dates of your Ordeal (and Brotherhood and Vigil, if applicable). We'll also need a completed registration form with a dues payment of $20 attached, which can be mailed to the Council office or submitted at any Lodge function.
The Troop Representative is a youth who serves as the primary liason between his troop and the Lodge and Chapter. He meets the unit’s needs by providing a communication and programmatic link to and from all Arrowmen, Scouts who are not presently members of the Order, and adult leaders. Learn more about the Troop Representative program.
This leadership position can be applied to rank advancement requirements. If you're interested in becoming a Troop Representative, contact the Lodge Chief or your Chapter Chief.