Miami Lodge 495
Order of the Arrow
Lodge Officer Elections:
Each year the youth members of our Lodge gather to elect, from among themselves, the Arrowmen who will lead our Lodge for the coming year. The elected positions of the Lodge are:
Lodge Chief
Vice Chief, Operations
Vice Chief, Inductions
Vice Chief, Program
Vice Chief, Unit Support
Vice Chief, Cub Relations
Before a youth member can run for one of the above offices he and his parents/guardians must complete an Officer Candidacy Petition. This petition serves as a sort of contract between the youth and the Lodge.
2024 Officer Elections:
The election for our 2024 officers will take place on Sunday, November 12th 2023. Youth Arrowmen, interested in running for one of our officer positions should download the Officer Candidacy Petition and submit it to our Lodge Adviser prior to the election.
Position Descriptions for the Lodge Executive Committee
Below are the descriptions for Miami Lodge's elected and appointed positions on the Lodge Executive Committee (LEC). These descriptions can be found in the Lodge Bylaws and are updated annually. The Lodge Chief and all Vice Chief positions are the Lodge's elected officers, and the remaining positions are appointed. If you see a position that interests you and it's listed as vacant on the Lodge Leadership Structure page, talk to the Lodge Chief about filling that position.
The Lodge Chief shall
- Be responsible for the Lodge Program. He must not do everything, rather he delegates, supervises and guides those who serve under him. He serves on the Key 3, with the Lodge Adviser, and Staff Adviser.
- Preside over the Lodge Executive Committee meetings, including setting of the agenda. If unable to attend, he shall secure a competent replacement.
- Attend Key Three meetings.
- Develop and coordinate the Lodge Leadership Development Training.
- Serve as representative of the Order to all council functions.
- Actively work with the Officers to select chairmen and form functional committees, including training of those members through the LLD and other means.
- Guide and take reports from the Lodge Committees & Officers.
- Appoint other ad hoc committees as necessary and in accordance with Lodge Bylaws
- Ensure the Lodge acts in accordance with the Bylaws
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members who serve under him and his Adviser.
The Vice Chief of Operations shall
- Be responsible for the operations of the Lodge including; finance and communications. He must not do everything, rather he delegates, supervises and guides those who serve under him.
- Supervise and take reports from the Chairmen he supervises.
- Submit a finance report at every Lodge meeting, maintain financial reports and make them available to members upon request.
- Compile budget estimates from all committees and use them to create a Lodge budget for submission to the Lodge.
- Approve appropriate expenditures in accordance with the Lodge budget, bylaws and actions of the LEC and submit bills to be paid to the council accountant.
- Request and submit purchase orders needed for Lodge programs.
- Assure that all dues/fees at all Lodge events are properly collected.
- Work with the Lodge Registrar to reconcile dues payments and the membership database.
- Attend LEC meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report directly to the Lodge Chief and perform other duties as requested by the Lodge Chief.
- Serve in place of the Lodge Chief in the event of the Chief’s absence or in the event the Chief resigns or is otherwise unable to fulfill his duties
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members who serve under him and his Adviser.
The Vice Chief of Inductions shall
- Be responsible for all activities related to the induction process (ceremonies, Ordeal and Brotherhood). He must not do everything, rather he delegates, supervises and guides those who serve under him.
- Ensure that all inductions activities are conducted in accordance with the 10 induction principles as listed in the Guide to Inductions.
- Supervises and takes reports from the chairmen of the Ceremony Committee, the Brotherhood Committee, and the Ordeal Committee.
- Coordinate with the Vice Chief of Program to ensure a quality evening activity at the Ordeal.
- Supervise the implementation of the Jumpstart program at the Ordeal.
- Attend LEC meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report directly to the Lodge Chief and perform other duties as requested by the Lodge Chief.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members who serve under him and his Adviser.
The Vice Chief of Program shall
- Be responsible for non-induction Lodge activities and programs, mainly Fellowship activities and Section/National events. He must not do everything, rather he delegates, supervises and guides those who serve under him.
- Supervise and take reports from the chairmen of each activity committee.
- Create and supervise the evening activity at each Ordeal. Coordinate this effort with the Vice Chief of Inductions
- Attend LEC meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report directly to the Lodge Chief and perform other duties as requested by the Lodge Chief.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members who serve under him and his Adviser.
The Vice Chief of Unit Support shall
- Be responsible for Unit Elections and supervising each regional unit support team. He / She must not do everything, rather they delegate, supervise and guide those who serve under them.
- Supervises and takes reports from the chairmen of the Unit Election Committee and the Troop Rep Committee.
- Attend LEC meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he / she shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Provide support to the BSA and Venturing Units.
- Report directly to the Lodge Chief and perform other duties as requested by the Lodge Chief.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members who serve under them and their Adviser.
The Vice Chief of Cub Relations shall
- Be responsible for the assembly of the Smoke Signals and that it is distributed as determined by the LEC
- Create any publications for distribution and ensure their distribution to the Lodge membership
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Vigil Chief shall
- Be responsible for the Vigil operations of the Lodge. He must not do everything, rather he delegates, supervises and guides those who serve under him.
- Coordinate the Vigil nomination and selection process.
- Lead the planning of the annual Vigil Reunion and Induction weekend.
- Serve as a mentor to the LEC officers and committee chairmen.
- Report directly to the Lodge Chief and perform other duties as requested by the Lodge Chief.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members who serve under him and his Adviser.
The Ceremonies Chairman shall
- Recruit and train ceremony teams for Call Out, Ordeal, Brotherhood and any other ceremonies.
- Be present at all ceremonies (or secure a competent replacement) to coordinate ceremonies.
- Be responsible for setting up and cleaning up of ceremonial grounds.
- Be responsible for maintaining all ceremonial dress and props.
- Recruit, develop and train a committee of Arrowmen to assist with responsibilities.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Brotherhood Chairman shall
- Promote the Brotherhood to all eligible Arrowmen throughout the Lodge year.
- Ensure that the Brotherhood is conducted in accordance with the Journey to Brotherhood Program.
- Ensure that Spirit of the Arrow Books are used properly and all new Brotherhood members receive a sash, pocket rocket, bead, membership card and certificate.
- Ensures the 10 Inductions Principles listed in the Guide to Inductions are followed in the Brotherhood Process.
- Be present at all Brotherhoods (or secure a competent replacement) to coordinate ceremonies, review and hike.
- Work with the Ceremonies and Elangomat/Nimat Chairmen to ensure the Brotherhood ceremonies and an appropriate number of Nimats are in place for the Brotherhood.
- Recruit, develop and train a committee of Arrowmen to assist with responsibilities.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Vice Chief of Inductions and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Ordeal Service Chairman shall
- Develop Service Projects with the Property Committees for Ordeals and service days.
- Run all designated Service Days throughout the year, including budgeting any meals.
- Recruit, develop and train a committee of Arrowmen to assist with responsibilities.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Elangomat/Nimat Chairman shall
- Recruit and train Elangomats & Nimats for all Ordeals and Brotherhood Conversions.
- Supervise the extended Elangomat program.
- Supervise Elangomats & Nimats during Ordeals to ensure the induction principles are followed
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Food Service Chairman shall
- Develop a menu for each ordeal including proposing a budget to the LEC.
- Work with the Scout Office to obtain a purchase order for GFS.
- Purchase food for Ordeal and deliver to Ordeal site.
- Supervise kitchen staff and the preparation and distribution of each meal during the Ordeal.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Inductions and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Trading Post Chairman shall
- Submit a Trading Post report at every Lodge meeting, maintain inventory reports and make them available to members upon request.
- Supervise the Lodge Trading Post including sales at events and inventory.
- Work with the Lodge Registrar to reconcile dues payments and the membership database.
- Attends Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report directly to the Lodge Vice Chief of Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Fundraising Chairman shall
- Present proposals for yearly fundraising event to the LEC no later than the December lodge meeting.
- Develop a plan of action and timeline for each event.
- Coordinate staffing needs for each event.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Lodge Secretary shall
- Take minutes at the Lodge meetings and publish those minutes in a timely manner prior to the next LEC.
- At each Lodge Meeting ensure the Lodge Chief and Lodge Adviser sign the minutes from the previous meeting, after they have been approved by the LEC. Once signed he will ensure the minutes are delivered to the Scout Office.
- Be responsible for maintaining the Lodge bylaws.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report directly to the Lodge Vice Chief of Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Communications Chairman shall
- Be responsible for maintaining the Lodge Facebook page including sending out updates to Lodge members.
- Ensure the Lodge website has the most current information and the calendar is kept up to date.
- Use the Lodge email list to distribute information to Lodge members via the Crane Chatter.
- Create any publications for distribution and ensure their distribution to the Lodge membership
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report directly to the Lodge Vice Chief of Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Camping Promotions Chairman shall
- Update the Lodge’s "Where to go Camping" book.
- Promote year-round camping within the council.
- Ensure that camping promotions visits are made to all Miami Valley Council units that request a visit.
- Promote National High Adventure Programs to older scouts in the council.
- Recruit, develop and train a committee of Arrowmen to assist with responsibilities.
- Work with the Council Camp Promotions Chair to develop a promotions plan.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Recognition Chairman shall
- Develop a budget and promotions plan for the annual fellowship dinner.
- Coordinate the location and catering services for the dinner.
- Compile the awards and make sure all award materials are at the dinner.
- Coordinate registration for the dinner.
- Work with the Lodge Registrar to reconcile dinner payments with Lodge Master System.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Programs and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Fellowship Chairman shall
- Present proposals for the yearly Fellowship events to the LEC prior to the annual fellowship dinner.
- Develop a budget and coordinate the promotions plan for the each fellowship event.
- Coordinate registration for the events.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Programs and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Section & National Events Chairman shall
- Develop and implement a marketing plan for all Section and National Events, such as ALTC, Conclave, and NOAC.
- Coordinate registration with the appropriate person at Section or National.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Programs and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Service Chairman shall
- Identify opportunities for the Lodge to provide service to Council events
- Serve as the primary contact/liaison between the Lodge & the Council event planning committee
- Recruit Lodge members to serve as volunteers at Council events and lead the Lodge members during the event
- Ensure service hours are tracked and entered into LodgeMaster
- Assist each Chapter with recruiting a Chapter Service Chairman to assist with providing service to District events
- Report to the Vice Chief of Chapter Support and perform other duties as requested by him
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
The Chapter Chief shall
- Attend their District Roundtable when possible to communicate information about Lodge events to their District.
- Supervise and guide the Chapter Officers and Committee Chairmen who serve under them.
- Recruit and Coordinate Troop Representatives in their District.
- Recruit and train a unit elections team.
- Coordinate unit elections with each Troop Representative and ensure each Troop has a unit election that requests one.
- Attend Lodge meetings prepared to report on responsibilities. If unable to attend, he shall send a designated replacement to do the report.
- Report to the Lodge Vice Chief of Chapter Operations and perform other duties as requested by him.
- Communicate on a regular basis with the youth members of his committee and his Adviser.
Miami Lodge 495 is part of the Miami Valley Council, BSA in Dayton, OH.