Miami Lodge 495
Order of the Arrow

The Arrowhead program is designed to be an honor camper program at Woodland Trails. Arrowhead will incorporate principles and programmatic themes from the Order of the Arrow however it will be a program that non-OA members can participate in at the basic levels.
The goals of the program are as follows:
- Recognize Scouts and Scouters who exemplify the highest Scouting ideals at Woodland Trails Summer Camp.
- Encourage Scouts and Scouters to transition from Webelos/Cub Scouting into Boy Scouts.
- Encourage Scouts and Scouters to return to Woodland Trails Summer Camp.
- Increase participation in the Order of the Arrow.
- Encourage campers to join the Woodland Trails Summer Camp staff.
Arrowhead Levels
Explorer - One who searches, travels in an unknown territory. Scouts must be at least in their second year of the WEBELOS program to participate.
Hunter - One who is knowledgeable yet seeks more truth.
Frontiersman - One who spends time improving their outdoor skills.
Guide - One who guides those under them.
Chief - One who leads with service and knowledge.
Miami Lodge 495 is part of the Miami Valley Council, BSA in Dayton, OH.