Check back here often to see the latest Lodge announcements.
Are you looking for a way to become active in this Lodge? There are many positions available on the LEC, especially the job of Troop Representative. Their job is basically to let the members of their troop know about the upcoming events of the lodge. Troop Representatives are vital to the strength and survival of the lodge. For more details about the Troop Representative Position, please visit the OA Troop Rep Program page.
The lodge is also in need of District Representatives. Their job is the same as the Troop Representative except they keep the Troop Representatives informed in their district. If you are interested in one of these positions, please email the Troop Representative Coordinator.
There is always the need for elangomats at all Ordeals. This is one of the most important jobs at Ordeals, and it is almost always neglected or overlooked. Not only that, but as an elangomat you can come to the Ordeal for free! Contact the Ordeals Coordinator for further information about this job, or to volunteer your service for a weekend.