Miami Lodge 495
Order of the Arrow
Lodge Leadership
The Lodge is led by a dedicated group of youth leaders. These youth leaders are supported by adult Advisers. Visit our Lodge Executive Committee page to learn more about how our leadership is structured.
Lodge History
To see the history of Miami Lodge 495 and the Order of the Arrow, including previous lodge chiefs, and awards recipients, please visit the Lodge History page.
Lodge Mission Statement
By building upon the foundations of the Order of the Arrow, the mission of Miami Lodge 495, through positive youth leadership, will be to promote a true Brotherhood of Cheerful Service by meeting and exceeding goals of the Council and the Lodge with strong communications, exciting programs, and opportunities for future leadership development under the guidance of capable adult advisers.
Purpose of the OA
The purpose of the Order of the Arrow is fourfold:
- To recognize those Scout campers who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives.
- To develop and maintain camping traditions and spirit.
- To promote Scout camping.
- To crystallize the Scouting habit of helpfulness into a life purpose of leadership in cheerful service to others.
Lodge Location
Miami Lodge 495 is located in the Dayton, Ohio area in the Miami Valley Council. The Miami Valley Council includes Darke, Miami, Montogomery, Preble and Shelby Counties.

OA Membership
The OA has more than 160,000 members located in lodges affiliated with approximately 272 local BSA councils.
OA Eligibility
Scouts are elected to the Order by their fellow unit members, following approval by the Scoutmaster or Crew Adviser. To become a member, a youth must be a registered member of a BSA troop and holds the First Class rank, Venturing Crew and holds the Discovery Award, or the Sea Scout Ordinary rank or higher. The youth must have experienced fifteen days and nights of BSA camping during the two-year period prior to the election. The fifteen days and nights must include one, but no more than one, long-term camp consisting of six consecutive days and five nights of resident camping, approved and under the auspices and standards of the Scouts BSA. The balance of the camping must be overnight, weekend, or other short-term camps.
Adult selection is based on their ability to perform the necessary functions to help the Order fulfill its purpose, and is not for recognition. Selected adult Scouters must be an asset to the Order because of demonstrated abilities, and provide a positive role model for the youth members of the lodge.
Miami Lodge 495 is part of the Miami Valley Council, BSA in Dayton, OH.