Miami Lodge 495
Order of the Arrow
What is Brotherhood Membership?
From the beginning of the Order of the Arrow in 1915, all members have been equal. There are no ranks. As an Ordeal member you are entitled to all the rights and privileges of membership in the Order. Yet, so important is the induction sequence that the Order strengthened it by creating Brotherhood membership. It is an opportunity for members to evaluate their past service to Scouting (camping, service, and unit involvement) and to the lodge since their Ordeal induction.
Brotherhood membership is sought by Arrowmen seeking to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. Before becoming a Brotherhood member, each Arrowman makes a special effort to serve the troop or team and to learn about the Order. Each Brotherhood member commits to even more service to Scouting through the Order.
Brotherhood is an opportunity for members to evaluate their past service to Scouting (camping and unit involvement) and to their lodge, and to reaffirm their belief in the high purposes of the Order. Once an Arrowman has been an active Ordeal member for at least 6 months, he or she may choose to seal their membership by becoming Brotherhood. It is important to note that Brotherhood is the only OA level that a Scout may choose for themself. (Ordeals are elected by their units; Vigil honorees are selected by their Lodge.)
How Do I Become a Brotherhood Member?
- Learn the signs of membership - they may be found in your handbook or on the JumpStart website:
- Learn the Obligation of the Order, which you received from Allowat Sakima
- Learn the Order of the Arrow Official Song
- The Admonition
- The sign of Ordeal membership
- The Arrow handclasp.
- Advance in your understanding of the Ordeal: Gain a thorough understanding of the Ordeal through which you have passed.
- Serve your unit. Retain your registration in Scouting: During a period of at least 6 months after your Ordeal, strive to fulfill your Obligation by continuing and expanding your service to your own troop.
- Plan for service in your lodge: Retain your registration in your Order of the Arrow lodge and keep your dues paid. Be aware that acceptance of Brotherhood membership involves a pledge of service to the lodge. Develop a concrete idea of how you plan to fulfill this pledge.
- Register for the Lodge event you wish to attain Brotherhood Membership and show up Friday evening.
Why is the Event Registration Fee More for a Brotherhood Candidate?
There is an extra $25 included in the event fees for those Arrowmen seeking to become Brotherhood members, which is for covering the cost of your new Brotherhood sash. Starting with our 2022 Ordeals the cost for Brotherhood is included in the cost of your Ordeal. This means if you went through your Ordeal in 2022 or later you've already paid for your Brotherhood.
Miami Lodge 495 is part of the Miami Valley Council, BSA in Dayton, OH.