Miami Lodge 495

Order of the Arrow

Lodge Leadership

Miami Lodge is a youth-run organization and is a part of the Miami Valley Council, Boy Scouts of America.  There are five elected leadership positions, as well as many appointed positions in the Lodge - each held by Arrowmen who are under the age of 21. These elected positions are Lodge Chief, Vice Chief of Inductions, Vice Chief of Operations, Vice Chief of Chapter Support, and Vice Chief of Program.

Youth Leadership: At the core of the OA is youth leadership. Our youth members set the direction of our Lodge and plan/lead our events. The Lodge Executive Committee or LEC is the formal structure of our youth leadership. Our LEC consists of Lodge Officers who are youth members and are elected annually by our youth membership. The officers consist of our Lodge Chief and our Vice Chiefs. The Lodge Chief then appoints Committee Chairmen, who are also youth members to lead our many committees. For more information on our LEC or if you would like to join our LEC contact our Lodge Chief.

Adult Leadership: Each Officer and Committee Chairman has an adult Adviser to assist them with their position. The job of the Adviser is to offer support to their youth counterpart. Advisers do not do the job of the youth yet, as the title states, they simply advise. The Lodge Adviser is appointed annually by the Scout Executive and serves as the Adviser to the Lodge Chief. Associate Lodge Advisers, Chapter Advisers, and Committee Advisers are appointed annually by the Lodge Adviser and advise their respective youth leader. For more information about our Adviser Corps or if you are interested in serving as an Adviser, contact our Lodge Adviser, or click here to fill out our Adult Interest Survey.

The Lodge Executive Committee

The Lodge Executive Committee (LEC) is made up of youth leaders, backed by adult advisers, who plan and execute Lodge functions and operations.  Some positions are elected, such as the Lodge Chief and Vice-Chiefs, and other positions are appointed.  Miami Lodge generally has officer elections at the Spring Ordeal, and the Lodge year runs from September - August.

The Lodge Executive Committee generally meets on the second Sunday of each month from 3-5pm, at the Schiewetz Leadership Training Center at Cricket Holler.  There are a few exceptions to this rule throughout the year, for example the July meeting is the Lodge Summer Meeting held on the second Wednesday of July at Woodland Trails.  Please check the calendar for up-to-date information on the dates and times of our upcoming meetings.  All Arrowmen are welcome and encouraged to attend these meetings - whether you want to become more involved with the Lodge or you just want to experience one of the meetings.

Copyright © 1999-2025 Miami Lodge 495. Website design and hosting by Centerville Technologies, LLC.
Miami Lodge 495 is part of the Miami Valley Council, BSA in Dayton, OH.