OA Section Conclave D-A Scout Ranch
Mystery Isalnd Theme Conclave
Metamora, Mi April 27th- 27th
Join members from across the section at D-A Scout Ranch for a weekend of fun and fellowship! Conclave is our section’s annual weekend of fun activities, trainings, entertaining nightly shows, and patch trading! This event is tailored to arrowmen in our lodges. Whether you’re there to make new friends or catch up with old ones, whether this is your first Conclave or tenth, this event is NOT one to miss!
Click here to Register (please note that it will take you to the BSA Michigan Crossroads Council website.)
Lodge Meeting
Sunday March 9th 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
K-Lodge Cricket Holler Scout Camp
Miami Lodge 495 is a part of Section E2, in the Eastern Region of the Order of the Arrow. Miami Lodge has been providing cheerful service to the Miami Valley Council and its two camps in the Dayton, Ohio area since 1952.
By building upon the foundations of the Order of the Arrow, the mission of Miami Lodge 495, through positive youth leadership, will be to promote a true Brotherhood of Cheerful Service by meeting and exceeding goals of the Council and the Lodge with strong communications, exciting programs, and opportunities for future leadership development under the guidance of capable adult advisers.
To learn more about Miami Lodge and the Order of the Arrow, head over to our About the Lodge and Lodge History pages.